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These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain. 


A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators. 


For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.

1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",

5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and

10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".


This is designed to be printed and done communally. 




employers pay a living wage


all employees have access to family-friendly benefits


employers develop family-friendly workplace policies with the input of employees


workplace policies address discrimination (including age discrimination) and sexual harassment, and are developed with the input of employees  


employers adhere to following an effective human rights policy


employees are aware of and have easy access to all above mentioned policies


innovative work schedules are actively promoted


start and end of the work day are flexible


part-time work has pro-rated benefits


job-sharing options are available


tele-working options are available


reduced/variable hours are available (summer or year-round)


Option for a compressed work week


on-site or near-site childcare is offered


assistance is provided for employee’s ongoing child care needs (e.g., information and/or listings of local services, workplace offers child care on or off-site)


assistance is provided with care for school-aged children during special days (e.g., holidays, common dismissal days)


assistance is provided for employees who have dependents with special needs


a mechanism, such as the Employee and Family Assistance Plan, exists that provides feedback to management on amount of work-life stress experienced by employees


workplaces supplement parental leave benefits beyond what is legally required 

throughout parental leave, the employer maintains open communication and develops clear policies regarding employees' return to work


facilities and flexibility are available for nursing mothers


employees have the ability to take time away from work to deal with emergencies or sickness of children, elders, a spouse, or others as described in Family Responsibility Leave


parents have the ability (within reason) to bring their children to work, where feasible and appropriate, in cases of emergency 


employers recognizes and supports work and family balance


on-site seminars are available for skill development (e.g., work-life seminars, parenting seminars, lunch-and-learns)


discussions regarding work-life balance issues are encouraged in the workplace



managers and supervisors encourage and support a positive work-life balance for employees by offering alternatives to a fixed work arrangement (e.g., employers allow flexible work arrangements including telecommuting and/or a compressed work week)


support community programs are available for children and youth through the social corporate responsibility program


scholarships or bursaries are hosted for children of employees


employers provide parents opportunities to bring their children to work, allowing children to be involved in their parents’ work lives (e.g., Take Your Kids to Work Day)


social events are held that are welcoming to families     


employers of young workers create and maintain a workplace environment suitable for children and youth   


all young workers receive an workplace and safety orientation


young workers understand their rights in the workplace


mentoring and skills training is encouraged for young workers


government and workplaces impose restrictions on the occupations, tasks, hours of work per day and week and times of day that children and youth can work through law and policy


minimum age requirements are used to regulate the performance of specific tasks that are not suitable for young workers, especially those that can cause injury (e.g., working with high heat or heavy machinery)


working hours and conditions do not interfere with the education of young people and students


late night shifts are prohibited for young workers


volunteer and internships are open to all young people and offer meaningful tasks and offer skill development


volunteer hours are monitored for young people in recognition that young people need time to potentially balance paid employment, school and family or other commitments


provide formal structures are available for feedback


employers who have family-friendly policies are publicly recognized


workplaces work together with the government and community

organizations and stakeholders to ensure child and youth friendly workplace policies are developed and enforced   


workplaces work together with the government to ensure that family friendly policies are developed and enforced in the workplace to support employees with children and youth and young workers in the workforce


workplaces work together with the government work to develop incentives for employers to hire youth and young workers  


workplaces work together with community and advocacy organizations to effectively publicize the importance of child and youth friendly practices in the workplace


information on child and youth rights and responsibilities in the workplace (for employers and employees) is easily accessible online or in the community


community information, incentives and support for young people seeking employment, is readily available and easily accessible (especially for young people who face barriers in finding employment)


Fair parental leave is available


the government is committed to fulfilling its human rights obligations under international instruments and to better protect children from exploitation in the workplace



1- UNFRIENDLY             5- OK                     10-A LEADER




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