The arts, in all their forms—music, drama, and the written and visual arts—are essential to all cultures, contribute to individual vitality, and play a social-recreational role in our communities. Many groups in the community provide arts and crafts programs or activities for children and youth: recreation departments, public and private arts groups, libraries, museums and arts centres.
Additionally, many arts programs are supported within public and private education systems. Participating in and learning about the arts can have a big impact on young people’s educational, social and spiritual development. It provides opportunities for them to be creative and to express themselves, and brings beauty into their lives. Arts programming can also be a critical tool for children and youth to help them understand the world around them.
Creating art can be a way for children and youth to express their individuality and imagination. In a multi-cultural society like Canada, children and youth also have the opportunity to learn about the arts of many different cultures, which fosters cultural understanding and respect. Child and youth friendly communities make it easy and enjoyable for young people to participate in and learn about the arts. They provide opportunities for children and youth to explore all the arts, and learn about their own and other cultures.
Additionally, having a wide array of arts and cultural programs provides a great platform for newcomer children and youth to transition into Canada while learning about how to celebrate and embrace their own sense of cultural identity.
Article 13 is about receiving and sharing information
Children and young people have the right to get and to share information as long as the information is not damaging to them or others.
Article 14 protects an individual’s belief system
Children and youth have the right to think what they like and be whatever religion they want to be, with their parents’ guidance.
Article 15 is about having friends
Children and youth have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this interferes with the rights of others.
Article 30 is about inclusivity in race, culture, religion and language
Children have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and speak their own language. Article 31promotes the benefits of play Children and youth have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama.
UNCRC and the Arts

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
~Pablo Picasso, Artist