Image by J L/cc/flickr
A child and youth friendly city or community (CYFC) is defined as “a system of local governance, committed to fulfilling children’s rights.”[i] A CYFC seeks to fulfill children’s rights in the spaces that affect them the most, namely their neighbourhoods or communities. As much of the research on child well-being and development suggests, the experiences of children in their earliest years have a profound effect on their future success and the trajectory of their adult lives.
In CYFCs, children and youth have the right to:
Influence decisions about their city
Express opinions on the city they want
Participate in family, community, and social life
Receive basic services such as health care and education
Drink safe water and have access to proper sanitation
Be protected from exploitation, violence and abuse
Walk safely in the streets on their own
Meet friends and play
Have green spaces for plants and animals
Live in an unpolluted environment
Participate in cultural and social events
Be an equal citizen of their city with access to every service, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, income, gender or disability[ii]
CYFCs are not a one-size-fits-all model, but rather a framework and set of values that helps each community decide what is important given their unique circumstances and context.
[i] UNICEF. What is a Child Friendly City? Available at http://childfriendlycities.org/overview/what-is-a-child-friendly-city/
[ii] Ibid.