These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain.
A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators.
For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.
1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",
5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and
10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".
This is designed to be printed and done communally.
media organizations promote awareness of child/youth health and social issues (e.g., family violence, substance abuse, eating disorders, environmental contaminants)
programming is welcoming to children and youth of all backgrounds
programming for children and youth have the input of children and youth
educational material and programs for media literacy for children and youth is available
a variety of alternative and integrated programs are offered for children and youth with language barriers or special needs (e.g., captions, subtitles, described video)
newspapers have space dedicated to children’s issues and to youth issues, including stories written and/or chosen by children and youth
radio stations provide opportunities for young people to air their views and be involved in child/youth programs
media acknowledges and celebrates National Child Day and Youth Week, Family Week, International Day of the Girl.
media organizations have practices of focusing more stories on positive aspects of young people than on the negative
“Media Literacy” programs are available for children and youth in schools and the community, on media awareness/critical analysis
children and youth are supported in producing and distributing information (e.g., their own podcasts, YouTube channels, newsletters, zines, social media, websites)
youth are encouraged to share their views online/in forum, social media while respecting the rights and view of others
children and youth are supported in responding to media coverage that has a negative impact on them (e.g., by organizing a letter-writing campaign aimed at a TV newsroom)
schools and daycares work with TV/Film production companies and filmmakers encourage production of child/ youth-led programs or videos
youth are involved in organizations such as “Media Watch” that educate/inform consumers of the mass media
media organizations have a youth advisory board positive and strict standards are defined for marketing advertisements in locations where minors are exposed to them