BC Healthy Child Development Alliance - Cross Sectoral Coalition in Support of the Social Determinants of Child Health
BC Healthy Living Alliance - On the Path to Better Health
Breastfeeding Committee for Canada - The Baby-Friendly Initiative in Canada Status Report
Canadian Facts - The Social Determinants of Health in Canada
Child Health BC - Works Collaboratively with Health Authorities to Improve Accessibility of Services to Children and Ensure Quality of Care
Here to Help - A Variety of Toolkits on Substance Abuse or Mental Health Problems and Educational Materials in 12 Different Languages
McCreary Centre Society - Research, Education and Community Initiatves to Improve the Health of Youth
Provincial Health Services Authority - BC Community Health Profiles
BC Pediatric Society - General Information about Health and Well-being for Children and Youth
BC Ministry of Health - Access to Educational Materials for Parents on Child Development, Nutrition, Safety, Parenting and Overall Child Health
Early Childhood Screening Programs
Family Residence Program for Families with Sick Children
Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child - Health Care and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Canadian Paediatric Society -National Association of Pediatricians in Canada with Links to Research on Children’s Health Issues
Healthlink BC - Children and Teens' Health Information and Resources
International Institute for Child Rights and Development - Child Rights Curriculum for Health Professionals
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health - Research on Health and Aboriginal Children and Youth
World Health Organization - Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative
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