image by cabbitt/cc/flickr
CHILD & YOUTH FRIENDLY Community Security & Policing
These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain.
A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators.
For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.
1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",
5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and
10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".
This is designed to be printed and done communally.
a Block Watch is present throughout the community in residential areas and public places where children and youth often spend time such as the school, park, and library options are available for young people to get to school safely in safe walking routes or “walking school buses”
public places are available where young people can gather safely and without harassment
forums are available, such as local crime prevention societies, where children and youth to learn and speak freely about crime and security issues
prevention programs on child abuse and other forms of violence are offered in schools and the community
alcohol and drug awareness programs are offered in schools and the community, including programs to prevent drinking and driving and texting while driving
police personnel treat children and youth with respect and have training on child and youth rights and hidden disabilities
there is a presence of strategies that address criminal activities that target children (e.g., sexual exploitation through the sex trade, involvement in drugs and drug trafficking)
there is a relationship or link between the community and schools on policing issues, including police liaison officers for all schools
there is strong local commitment to community policing such as community police stations and bicycle and foot patrols
community programs are offered that provide opportunities for positive interaction between young people and the police
free criminal record checks are available for volunteer community groups that work with children and youth
local businesses support initiatives that increase young people’s safety and prevent crime
programs are available that address internet security