These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain.
A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators.
For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.
1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",
5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and
10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".
This is designed to be printed and done communally.
open spaces in the home are available where family and friends can spend time together
safe indoor areas that can be used for play are easily accessible, for children and youth of different ages
safe outdoor areas that can be used for play are easily accessible for children and youth of different ages
washrooms are located in close proximity to doors that lead outside if there is outdoor play space
homes are built of materials that will stand up to normal use by children and youth and have been proven safe
outdoor planting areas are designated that are robust for children’s play
natural barriers are erected that prevent young children from running onto the street (e.g., hedges, gates)
soundproofing between rooms and between dwelling units is installed when appropriate
spaces are sufficiently flexible to allow for change as children grow
buildings are designed on a child friendly scale and not more than 4 stories tall
electrical sockets are out of reach for young children
windows open at the top (rather than the bottom or side)
handrails can be reached by children
elevator controls can be reached by children
units and rooms are designed that allow for natural light and air
a place in the home is designated where children and youth can go for privacy and can store their belongings
there is sufficient storage for seasonal clothing, coats, shoes, and “hand me downs”
there is sufficient storage for strollers, sports equipment and bicycles
rental or sale agreements do not place restrictions on the normal play and recreation activities of children and youth
strata councils or other managing bodies encourage youth involvement and input
house or unit in complexes is easy to identify
the housing is close to amenities and services for families
units with 2, 3, 4 bedrooms are available and accessible
multi-units have a shared community space that is safe and accessible for child and youth to use without adults present
multi-units have outdoor play spaces for children and youth that are overlooked by housing units
multi-unit dwellings provide play spaces in common areas
washrooms are provided that are close to any communal area and /or outdoor shared area
multi-units have car share programs or initiatives
underground parking is safe for children and has easy (hands free) access to building/elevator
the housing unit is in close walking-distance of spaces where children and youth frequent, such as parks, schools, and community centres
services are available to help parents find affordable housing
services are available to help “match” people in need of shared accommodation, such as single parents and seniors